Tutor Resources
Each of the links has some use in one-on-one ESOL tutoring or ABE tutoring. If you are requesting a hold on a book located at Athol Public Library, please specify in your hold the volume you are requesting. Please click here for a PDF list of all books available on the LVOA shelves or here for a GoogleDocs list.
Become a Tutor
LVOA tutors are patient, dedicated individuals who want to share their time and talents to help other adults improve their literacy and conversational English skills.
Free Tutoring for Adults
Literacy students come from all walks of life and represent adults of all ages, income levels, cultures and communties.
Support Us
There are several ways you can help those in need of our services and expand our reach to more people in need.
Besides becoming a tutor, there are other opportunities to work with us to help those in need of our services.
Tutor Forum
Click the link below to access our new Tutor Forum. Here you can share ideas and information with your fellow tutors. You will need a password to access the forum. If you have not been invited to the forum or have not received your password, contact us.
Tutor News and Notes
THIS IS IMPORTANT, SO EVERYONE PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. The Department of Education (DESE) has added categories for reporting adult education services. Let me explain:
1) In-Person tutoring - WHEN we return to in-person tutoring this will be the category to use for any time you are physically with your student.
2) Virtual tutoring - there are three parts to this category:
1. Tutoring time online or on the phone with your student, no matter what platform you use - Zoom, What’s App, Google Meet, etc.
2. Time your student spends on homework you give them, no matter what kind of homework it is. We have never been able to count this before! It’s a great incentive for your students, to know that by spending time doing homework they will be helping us out by adding to the countable hours of our service, thereby ensuring/increasing future funding to keep LVOA going strong! (i.e., makes us look good!)
3. Time you spend preparing lessons for your student We have never been able to count this before! Please keep track of this time.
3) Proxy independent student work - independent student work done using a program or app that counts the time they spent. We'll talk more about this, and what apps and programs are available that keep track. AS A RESULT, I'LL CREATE A SHORT REPORT FORM AND ATTACH IT TO THE WEBSITE, SO YOU CAN GO THERE ONCE MONTHLY, BE REMINDED OF THE CATEGORIES, FILL IT OUT AND SUBMIT IT.
Returning books/materials to the library - Abby confirmed with APL staff that you can actually drop off LVOA materials you borrowed through the library to any library drop box - from Petersham, Orange, Erving, Greenfield, wherever - and they will make their way back to our shelves. Any library in the CWMars system that is - central and western Mass. Nice convenience for returning materials. Renewing books/materials you have out - if you get a notice that an LVOA book is due and you are still using it, simply call the Athol Library (978) 249-9515 , and ask to renew it. They really don't mind receiving a call. The materials in your tutor kits you will be able to borrow for longer terms, by the way.
All the materials for the tutor kits have been ordered, and my plan is to get a kit ready for each of you, customized to your preferences, by the end of September or early October, at the latest. There will be a list for you to check off which items you want in your kit. This way you may end up with a "hybrid" kit, with some Basic Lit. materials and some ESOL materials, depending your students' needs. All non-consumable materials in the kits will be inventoried through the library catalog, and you will be able to "take them out" under your name for extended time periods. In this way, you keep what you are actively using, and we keep track of our inventory...